This Guy Took Apart a Heater Blower. What he Did With It Is Inspiring

If most of us take a apart an old heater blower motor we would be left with a pile of bits. Sure as eggs are egss – that pile of bits would end up in the trash.

One Man’s Junk – Heater Blower
This guy is different – he took a look at the blower motor and thought, “Jet Engine”. (Maybe he didn’t but that is how it seems).
Samm Sheperd, the guy who made the video is obviously a very experienced RC airplane enthusiast. His video is part experiment, part how to and 100% fun. He uses an existing 350W brushless motor with a custom built housing to create a centrifugal impellor/blower.

Impeller Housing From Hardboard and Polystyrene

Certainly Seems Pretty Powerful
He redesigns an existing RC model to add the ‘jet engine’.

Model Airplane Design
In the end he constructs a completely viable model aircraft.

Impeller Driven, Jet Model, In Flight
You see it fly and hear Samm’s comments on its performance compared to a similar power propeller driven aircraft. Interestingly the model shows the same characteristics of many early jet planes.
This is an absolutely ‘must see’ video for all you RC tinkerers.
Click on to the next page now to watch the video.